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Tuesday, 24 August 2010

SOTA from the Scottish Highlands

Appologies for not posting for a while but I am up in the Highlands of Scotland activating for Summits on the Air. Having a great time and the noise on HF is nil both at the cottage and from the summits. I have worked many stations I would not hear from home.


  1. I have just come back from just over two weeks in the Highlands. I did take my FT-817, but never got much of a chance to operate as it was a family holiday. Now, I am sorry I didn't make more of an effort. I will just have to go again! I did enjoy the highlands very much. Wonderful place. I was based near Inverness.



  2. The time is coming when the only noise-free environment will be 100 miles from the nearest neighbor and power-line.

    Hope you had fun.

    73 N2UGB

  3. Loads of fun Dick, but like most of these things it is going to take forever to catch up with the logs. With the everyday catch up after being away I already need another holiday. I have loads of stuff to blog about but not much time to write it up. Look for information on my latest antenna project the TFP1 soonish.

    André it helps having the XYL and the daughter licenced. Next time I am hoping to take my son Adam and my granddaughter, so we will have four licenced operators and someone to tell us when it is time to pack up and get an ice cream.

    73 Steve GW7AAV
