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Monday, 11 October 2010

GB2RS News Service

UK hams, if you are like me you always forget about the GB2RS amateur radio news until it is too late, but is it? Did you know there is a schedule in MSWord format you can download here, so if you miss your usual local broadcast you can find another one, possibly on a different band? Failing that you can either download the podcast here or the script in PDF format here. There is no excuse to not be up to date about what is happening in the hobby from your national society. You don't even need to be a member of the Royal Surrey Gas Board, sorry Radio Society of Great Britain or even licenced to be able to listen. The RSGB news readers do a great job, giving up their free time to read the news so please if you are listening call in afterwards and let them know you were listening. Tell them if you enjoyed it or if their broadcast difficult for you to hear. Give them a reception report and say hello, but let them know that what they are doing is worth it and there are people listening. Don't whatever you do call in and tell them you can't stand their squeeky monotone voice, seriously don't, unless you are prepared to do it yourself and make loads of enemies in the process.

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