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Saturday, 25 December 2010

Christmas in CQ town

It has been a strange sort of day for me. I have been working 12 hour nights for the last few Christmases and that has meant I could be anti-social and grab my Christmas dinner and skulk off to bed with a darn good excuse as to why I am doing an impression of Scrooge, or I have missed the whole thing entirely working 12 hour days. At least the extra payments went somewhere towards paying for the whole thing. I am no lover of Christmas, firstly it occurs at the coldest time of year, it costs a fortune and although I pay for it I usually miss out on all the fun. It always seems that everyone arranges parties when I am working and then the following year when I am not working I don't get invited because "Well, you never came last year!".

This year might have been much better, but half the family have terrible colds and I have been wandering around wishing they would take their germs somewhere else and praying I don't get a dose of what they have been coughing and sneezing everywhere. It was a bit strange having everyone else opening piles of parcels and knowing everything had gone wrong with mine. First up was a radio that my Mother-in-law and eldest son had paid for, which is out of stock and "we don't know when we will have some more". Then there is the two items from my other children, that they ordered on December 3rd and are stuck in the post. Another unknown present out of stock, then we have one sold out but they never sent the email until Christmas eve and finally an item my wife ordered on the 20th of November that "We are not due to get in until mid-February". I did get a box of Jelly Babies and a Flip Ultra HD digital video camera.

I spent the day sneaking off to finish something I was writing while the idea was fresh in my mind and I did manage to work some Summits on the Air stations. Dave M0MYA was on Titterstone Clee Hill G/WB-004 and Neil 2W0TDX and his XYL Karen 2W0XYL were on Moel Famau GW/NW-0044. I worked Dave on 80m SSB and Karen and Neil on 2m FM. After Christmas dinner I could see the attraction of a little walk up a local hill and the weather was cold but pleasant, at least at ground level.

Oh well, Bah Humbug! I have had a few drinks and I am going back to join the germs playing Rock Band on the XBox. You can't beat a good sing song to cheer you up.

Hoping you had a great Christmas. Peace and love to you all.

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